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Agenda & links to documents




GALESS Domain: Medi Call

Week 50 Book Publication Energy Transition 2023


GALESS Domain: Life Sources

Week 14 Information Letter Singapore

Week 14 Information Letter Vienna

Week 25 Information Pack 1 Vienna

Week 28 GALESS Management Meeting Terrassa/Barcelona - Spain

Week 48 Information Pack 2 Vienna

Week 48 Information Pack 2 Singapore

Week 52 Publication GALESS Yearbook 2024 Life Sources


GALESS Domain : Empty Pocket

Week 10 IP3 Vienna

Week 14 Newsletter 8

Week 17 April 22-26  GALESS Conference Vienna - Austria

Week 19 IP3 Singapore

Week 27 June 29 - July 4 GALESS Conference Singapore


GALESS Domain: Colors Included (CI)

June 2026 GALESS Conference Rybnik- Poland

Domain : CI - Minorities

September 2026 GALESS Conference Melbourne - Australia

Domain: CI Indiginous People

New Research Domain 2027: Artificial Intelligence for Sustainability


New Research Domain 2027: Artificial Intelligence for Sustainability

GALESS Yearbook 2024


GALESS Yearbook 2024

Just have a look to the intro and content- description.

The (digital) yearbook is available on request. Please write to:

Yearbook Intro   Yearbook Content   

Melbourne 2024: Exciting reviews and 2026 edition announced !


The organisation team in Melbourne is ready to receive all the schoolteams in their conference from October 14-17, 2024 !

Just click the BGN website for more information.

Brazil Conference, one of a kind in swinging South America


New : A new exciting GALESS event in South America ! Photos Brazil 2

Photos Brazil 1   

Miami Conference Publication June 24


2024: 3 conferences about Life Sources


GALESS will organize 3 conferences in 2024. Miami (v), Varginha Brazil and Melbourne. The thematic approach in 2024: Life Sources 

GALESS Premium Green Logo Introduction: Jan 15, 2024. New: discount on teacher travel for frequent conference visitors


GALESS will introduce a sustainable green logo (GALESS Green logo for Schools - GGS) for schools with a high profile in sustainable research-activities in either one of the GALESS focus domains. The concept will be published and integrated  on Januari 15, 2024 on this website. 

Green Logo Saving Program: Frequent conference visitors (schools having send research-teams to GALESS conferences minimum 5 times, and can produce 5 green logo teamcertificates from former GALESS conference editions accordingly), are entitled to claim 50% refund on the price of a fly-ticket (economic class) of the guiding teacher during the next visit to a GALESS conference. 

GALESS Sustainable School concept   

GALESS Yearbook Energy Transition available now.


The GALESS Yearbook Energy Transition is available !

Like in 2022, The GALESS Team produced a yearbook of all the research-projects Energy Transition in 2023. All the researchpapers from the conferences in Boston-USA, Rybnik-Poland, Bali-Indonesia and Melbourne Australia have been compiled in one book of 380 pages. The book will be offered to authorities to direct attention to the quality research-work of young students on all continents regarding the Energy Transition.

The book is available on request: (
- Papercopy including international sending costs: USD/EURO 75,-
- Digital Copy : you can download the book from this website with a password. Please write to to collect your free username/password. 
(We ask you for a voluntarily donation of   USD /EURO 15,-   to our GALESS initiative in this last case)    

Melbourne Conference October 2023: New Authentic-Creative Ideas !


Organizing Schools:

Camberwell Grammar School

Camberwell Girls Grammar School

Scotch College

Fintona Grammar School

Great New Hosting Concept for another Conference Energy Transition, Thank you all ! 

Welcome also to Mentone Girls Grammar School, Ivanhoe Grammar School, Wiedner Gymnasium and Raffles Institution.

Melbourne Banner   Photos Melbourne   

Bali Conference September 2023. Unique!


Another Great Experience in Bali for 9 research teams with new proposals in the Energy Transition.

Where do we start, talking about this exciting GALESS conference in Bali in September
2023 ? A life-time experience again for our young GALESS researchers.  The conference was set up and guided by Mr.
Anton Malem   Barus and Mrs. Monika Raharti from CYS Indonesia in cooperation with SMAN 3 DENPASAR . Words do not
express our thanks in a right way. We simply “bow” while taking off our hat …. 

Another GALESS conference carved in our minds forever. A new impulse for our
research activities in the Energy Transition from students from Vietnam,
Indonesia, China, Thailand, Spain, Brazil and the USA was combined with working
visits to a solar farm, local Government, Udayana University, workshops  and many experiences more.  

A comfortable stay at Werdhapura Village Center 
with nice, local food made this week simply mind-blowing ! 

Thank you so much organizers, supporting staff and students!

Photos Bali   

June 2023, Conference Poland added sparkling new Energy Transition proposals !


South African inspiration, read the full GALESS article written by Fabris Mulindi

The conference (How was Poland?)
Over the past few weeks, one question has been constantly asked by friends: "How was
your trip to Poland?" To sum up, the answer I keep telling them is that "Poland was great!" but it
was more than that. Even before I embarked on the journey, I couldn't help but wonder what the
GALESS conference had in store for me. As the night before my flight approached, I found
myself restless, pondering what the conference in Poland would be like for someone like me – a
child born in the DRC and raised in Uganda as a refugee. It was unreal to imagine myself flying
over European clouds and standing on a podium, addressing an international research
conference. more

March 2023: Boston Conference, great success!


Comments :

I was in Boston until Saturday for the conference at Beaver Country Day.  Chai’s preparation was wonderful and everyone - students and teachers - were pleased.  The students did a fantastic job with their presentations, and everyone was supportive and attentive.  The students really loved the visits to Boston University and MIT.  The tour of the new self-sustainable building at Boston University (which opened in January) was guided by a professor who was involved in the design team.  At MIT, the two professors who led the tour and did a presentation were so generous with their time and recruited grad students to have lunch with the GALESS group to discuss what their projects, the university, etc., and answer questions.   - Member GALESS AC -

Boston was a great experience. We appreciated the organization, everything we saw and the students loved every minute of it. Chai did an amazing job. -Guiding Teacher-

It has been a great week and even though it has been different to other conferences, everything has turned out great. - GALESS Director -

We had a great time in Boston. The program Chai came up with was very interesting and the students got to see the top Universities in the world. A great contribution was that the General Consulate of Germany in Boston, Dr. Sonja Kreibich, attended my team's presentation that day. This was very special for us. Also, all the participating students and teachers at the GALESS-challenge in Boston were so friendly and open-minded, which made it for me and my students very easy to make new international friends all over the world. -Guiding Teacher -

Top Experience ! My GALESS Certificate looks great and I can use this for my CV for sure - Student-

1. Conference- Fotos Boston   2. Teamphotos Boston   

Workshop Design Thinking in Energy Transition.


Sid Verma from Melbourne presented a great workshop about Design Thinking as a tool to structure and support research in the complex area of Energy Transition.

GALESS Management meeting Vienna, a very productive session once again!


Members of the GALESS Management team met in Vienna on May 19, 2023.  more news soon! 

GALESS 2024 Life Sources, Activity Publications Week 38, 2023


The focus of  GALESS 2024 conferences will be re-directed to "Life Sources". A conference planning 2024 will be published in week 38, 2023.

New Conferences 2023


GALESS will organize at least two TiltShift conferences in 2023 with title "Energy Transition".  The first conference will take place in Boston (USA) in March 2023. The second conference will take place in Rybnik (Poland) in June 2023. For more information see Agenda. For more information please send your mail to

November 26, 2022 Add  : New Conferences about Energy Transition added: Bali (September 2023) and Melbourne Australia (October 2023)

GALESS Xmas & New Year Wish 2023


GALESS Xmas & New Year wish 2023  

Sitges Conference Spain, Great new initiatives!


On Saturday August 27 2022, many countries were represented in the brainstorm meeting in Sitges/Spain. The organisation team from the Carmelitan School in Terrassa and GALESS & school-representatives talked during a full day meeting about new activities in 2023 to support students all over the world with important research activities. More news will follow soon! 

All over positive reactions, publication Research-Book TSC Medi Call


Yesterday, the Dutch Minister of Health, Mr Kuipers received a first copy of the Research Book TiltShift challenge Medi Call (25 research-reports from 24 schools from all over the world) from a delegation of students, teachers  and guiding GALESS team during an official session at the Ministery of VWS in the Hague. Our representing student-team with students, in this case from Germany and Spain, was delighted about the intensive discussion and all the serious interest in their research-work!

Mr Kuipers' comments:

Corona had turned the lives of young peole around the world upside down. That's why it is so important that these young people talk and think about it. It's about their future after all.

I have just met a few secondary students from Spain and Germany, who by way of GALESS (Global Alliance of Leading Edge Schools for Sustainabililty) have done a research based on complex dilemmas around Corona.

The students came to me to present their research reports from 24 schoolteams from all over the world.

The students I have spoken came with lots of interesting insights.

Therefore I will read the reports with great interest!

Photosession, more...   

Research Book TiltShift Challenge Medi Call published. Presentation 18/8/22 Ministery VWS The Hague, The Netherlands.


GALESS published the TiltShift Challenge (TSC) Medi Call-book with research reports regarding the COVID pandemic.

The book consists of 25 research-reports from the last TiltShift Challenge Medi-Call 2022.  24 schools from all over the world added their local research results about the pandemic in two "Thesis" topics : 

Topic 1: Is the Covid patient more important than the non-Covid patient? 

Topic 2: Releasing patents: Will it save millions of lives or will it kill or destroy the
incentive to stop new COVID variants? 

The TSC book will be offered to the minister of Health, Welfare and Sports, mr. Kuipers in an official meeting at the Ministery of Health, Welfare and Sports. in The Hague, The Netherlands.  Date: August 18 2022, 10:00  

(The book can be ordered  by writing an e-mail to Mr. H .vd Linden / GALESS Strategy Team (

Sitges Meeting Announcement


August 26-27-28 2022: Sitges Meeting organised by the Carmelitan School in Terrassa, Spain. Location: MiM hotel Sitges. For inquiries please address to

TiltShift Challenge Medi-Call, report delivery completed.


We reached, today, an unbelievable new "status" in our TiltShift
Challenge Medi-Call :  All 25 reports of participating schools are
"in". We ll deliver the reports to our Jury team.

Just imagine that we all worked together, our students, our
schools, our communities and cross-country relations,  in a very
difficult pandemic setting first of all. And now we are facing on
top of this an even more difficult situation where peace and
understanding  are "over-shadowed" in Europe  and have a major
worldwide impact on our young generation's mindsetting again.   

This is the sustainable alternative for our young students. We
are able now to share experiences with them in analysing, creative
thinking and debating  in a multicultural and respectful setting
with a solid research-backup from all the participating teams in
all different parts of the world. These contributions are 
special, impressive and hopeful and we embrace them in our GALESS

We wish all our student-teams a successfull debate on March 12 an
March 13 in the first round of the GALESS TiltShift Challenge

Stay healthy and safe,

The GALESS Strategy Team.

Holiday Wishes


It has been a tough year for our young generation. The GALESS team, however, despite all the obstructions to meet each other in conferences again, has experienced your inspiration and contributions in our TiltShift Competition as a challenge to be there for you in 2022 again, and support young student initiatives as never before !

We wish you all  Happy Holidays and a healthy 2022 !

The GALESS Strategy Team. 

TiltShift Challenge Medi-Call launched


The TiltShift Challenge Med-Call has been launched since July 1. 2021.

All information about the Challenge can be found on our website: .
The invitation list for the Challenge covers 32 schools from each continent in the world. Research activities are initiated from September 1, 2021, or even earlier depending on school-calendars.
Any request about information about the Challenge should be adressed to :

Update September 30, 2021: see Activity Calendar for Competition Schedule

TiltShift Challenge publication upcoming.

GALESS will present a TiltShift Challenge proposal by the end of this month, generating a competition for research-contributions regarding the pandemic.

The competition covers a period from September 2021 till March 2022 with the possibility with teams of four students and a guiding member/teacher to start up and develop research-activities, consult your environment in all aspects being relevant in the pandemic situation in your region/country, and to be able to prepare a report and the final rounds in Februari/March 2022 in a proper way.

We expect participation of 32 international schools from every continent in this competition.
The GALESS strategy team.

GALESS Advisory Council extended

We are proud to announce that we extended our GALESS Advisory Council with 2 new members since our last update.
Our Advisory Council now is represented on each and every continent.

Dr Han Man-Wi
Korean Minjok Leadership Academy
Seoul, Korea

Mr. Martijn Blom
Direction Team & International Coordination
d Oultremontcollege
Drunen/The Netherlands

We also got a confirmation from Mahidol Wittayanusorn School in Thailand that they will send a delegate for our AC as well